I get you... But anonymity and freedom are double edged swords... I've always felt that the nature of relationships you build with people in tier 2 city vastly differs from metro city... Ofc tier 2 city relationships can feel a little intrusive and judgy but there is also possibility to form a huge tight family... I've seen this in my village... Parents aren't the only one who raise a kid... The entire village takes care of the child as its own... If a house needs to be painted, the entire village comes together to help...

I've experienced these lines from Karuthavanlaam Galeejaam(Velaikkaran) first hand.

"Udhavinnu kettaakooda

Apartmentu aalu

Nice-ah appeet aavaaru

Phone-a switch off seivaaru

Evanummae azhaikkaama

Kuppam gopaalu

Vandhu kooda nippaaru

Edhuthu vela paaappaaru"

So the karuthu what I'm trying to say is...

I don't think anonymity and freedom at the cost of being disjucted is worth it...

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Mar 31Liked by Shamikasmruthi

Love your perspective.

As someone having the experience of living in a tier-2 and tier-1 city and even in a place faraway, I get the factor of anonymity. Although the amount of sensory overload and everyday hassles make me not lean too much onto tier-1 cities.

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